Hey, intntion is a journey, it’s a path of sorts that I’m taking to figure out ways to live an intentional life. My goal is to document anything and everything so that others can follow in the same path and find intentionality in their lives too.
I’d suggest to start by reading how I define intention, cause it’s a little different from what the dictionary says.
Then you could read any of these.
- unofficial manifesto where I jot down a bunch of goals
- a dream of sorts
- essays about my progress with intntion, it basically is the soul of intntion at this point
- the reading list where I have a bunch of stuff that I read for the journey
- daily random entries, this is sort of like a random unfiltered thought journal
- questions, I have written down all of the questions that I feel are important to ask, some might have a beginnings of an answer, but if you think you might have an answer please hit me up, I could use it.
Here’s the new essay on the need for intentionality and one about an individual in the digital age